Friday, June 19, 2009

Pet Photo Contest Winner for May

Hello All,

A big congratulations goes out do my new friend Lucy Belle. She is our pet photo of the month. Lucy Belle belongs to Olivia of Stow, Ohio. Lucy Belle will be turning 1 on June 24th so in honor of her birthday, I would like any of you that have photos of your pet celebrating their birthday to send them in for our contest. I am going to hold this one open until July 31st, but be sure and send them in soon. The winner at that time will receive a custom photo magnet of their birthday celebration.

This is a picture of Lucy Belle. Check out her competition at along with all of my friends.

Don't forget that our June special is still in effect at Any candle order will receive a box of Birthday Cards featuring adorable dogs like Lucy Belle! They are valued at $7 .95.

May all your wags be happy!

Love, Fido

PS Be sure and watch for my next newsletter coming soon with some special tips regarding your dog.